I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again. Whatever happened to one on one conversation? Even if they’re on the phone, there’s nothing better than directly interacting with the person you are communicating with. The meaning of your message can be conveyed and understood. The emotion behind your conversation can be felt. Text messages comprised of short phrases, run on sentences, numbers in place of words and letters does not give meaning to the underlying feeling behind the conversation. In many instances text messages can confuse the receiver as to what exactly you are trying to say. In this age of wireless this and social media that we have forgotten how to interact with each other in an intimate one on one setting. Technology has given rise to the basic art of communicating. It’s as if we have convinced ourselves that human interaction is not necessary for our emotional well being. Somehow we believe that we can fulfill that basic human need with a quick text, IM, facebook comment or even a quick e mail.
I am trying to get out of the habit of letting text messages speak for me. To no longer let text messages take the place of me putting forth an effort to touch and be touched by those I am trying to communicate with. To get back to the basics of looking someone in the eyes when I am speaking and listening to them. When you are speaking with someone face to face your filters are able to discern the bullshit from the truth. Many times we can be tricked by a savvy text messenger. However, when that same person is force to communicate one on one they fell miserably. They are no longer able to hide behind simple keystrokes.
So I would say the answer is to text when necessary, i.e. in a crowd or unknown company, but to call or make face to face interaction as much as possible. There is nothing more personable than one on one conversation.