Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Sitting on the porch for what seems like the first comfortable morning in weeks, I find myself sufficiently amused by the early morning breeze rustling the leaves of our cheap city planted trees. I know it’s probably an exaggeration to say this, but it feels like I have been trapped in the comforts of air conditioning for a lifetime. A self imposed imprisonment of sorts.  So patiently, I waited to come out to enjoy the gentle sunshine and temperate climate of a true Michigan summer morning.

The stillness of morning eases my soul, while gently (relaxing) my mind.  A bird sings his tranquil soliloquy perched on a distant branch.  Squirrels play tag as a car cruises by with neighbors on their way to church to offer praises. I silently whisper…’pray for me.’  Two houses down Ms. Pearl works on her award winning flower bed, vibrant with color and fragrance. The bees make sure to stop by here to pay homage for her efforts. These are the kind of mornings that I yearn for. These moments of peace that often elude us as urban dwellers.

As I settle into my favorite spot on the front porch, my neighbors began to awake one by one from their various forms of slumber to enjoy these early morning hours.  It is during this time that the true “Breakfast Club” meets to discuss the politics of the neighborhood and the social mores of its residents. We carefully exam the complexities of our world, absent of the issues that affect the city as whole. We choose to dissect our small section of the city one juicy issue at a time.  We remember those who have gone on as well as those who have moved on. We use this time to tell stories about the greatness once held by our neighborhood and the glory of days to come. We plan, we dream, we talk, we gossip and we believe. We use this time to plan our methods of holding on to what we have all worked so hard to maintain.

These early morning moments bring about a rebirth of ideas.  Cool and refreshing as the dew dripping off my windows, the newness of this day ushers in hope of all things possible.  Then out of nothingness that perfect moment is abruptly interrupted by the randomness of rapid gunfire. It feels like out of nowhere our Breakfast Club has been dropped into an active war zone. Only the enemies are unknown and the battle is not quite defined.  We look at each other with disgust, then a keen sense of fear feels the air, as we know bullets travel. So one by one we retreat into our homes to an unproven sense of safety.  Within that moment many of us are now alone, afraid, disconnected, disgusted ready to flee at the first opportunity.  We cringe, because deep down we know our city is being preyed upon by urban terrorist. A group of fatherless sons and daughters who roam in a purple haze of dissolution. No goal. No direction. No hope. Just a clear objective of terror, thievery and destruction. Finally, as I surrender behind closed doors and drawn shades I wonder quietly to myself, what are we missing? How have we failed our future?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Art of Joy

I can remember back when my grandmother would slave in the kitchen all night long so that her family could savor the flavor of her soulful talents.  Many meals I cook today are an ode to her greatness as a self taught gourmet of food for the soul.  As I think fondly of the countless holidays she cooked for us, I am reminded that the most important memory is the time we spent together as a family. Many jokes were told and stories shared around the dinning room table of Catherine Dorothy Deramus Cast or simply Mudea. Over these meals the history of our family was handed down from one generation to the unknowing next.

I think my love of cooking and entertaining began to manifest itself when favorite daughter and favorite son were toddlers. Looking back, I see how I progressed to organizing some pretty awesome themed birthday parties at home. I miss a lot of the fanfare associated with those days. The excessive amount of decorations. The need to find all things "Power Puff Girls."  The over the top goodies bags. Even adults loved the parties I organized for my kids. Absolutely nothing screams "C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E" like a ceiling full of colorful balloons from a rented helium tank.  All this for the birthday party of a 6 year old....on a Monday night. 

As I have gotten older I now understand that from these gatherings memories are made. Stories are formed. Traditions and history are passed on.  As we break bread for holidays,  birthdays, graduations, baby showers and weddings we begin to add our patch to the growing patchwork that represents our family and friends.

Time is always moving, forever changing the things and people around us. So it is important to take those snap shots of our experiences and marinate on them so that they are ingrained in our soul. What I have and will continue to cherish are those holidays and birthdays spent around my Mudea's dinning room table and the lofty aromas that floated through the air.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Getting Back To Basics....

I'm always stuck on what to write about and for that reason I have not been on my blog for a while. One of my Sorors suggested I write about something that makes me happy. That I should write about things I like. My writings should in fact incorporate those things that interest me. All common sense approaches to writer's block. That sounds good on the surface, but what do you do when so many things interest you??? I love cooking, fashion, politics, spirits and travel. How does one reel in their need to obsess on so many different subjects???

I read a post on Facebook today that said in a nutshell if you want to become a better writer you must write all the time. Write even when you are not inspired to do so. Write when you have nothing in particular to write about. Write. Write. Write. So with that said I'd like to write about some of the meals I've cooked. Menu's I've created for family and friends. The craziness of holidays and all the cooking I love to do.  Perhaps along the way if I'm lucky I can learn a few things from the readers. 

Think of this as an interactive blog that allows for the sharing of ideas on whatever topic is up for discussion. Many will cover food, some will cover love, a few will cover libations and on occasion some good old fashion down and dirty Detroit politics. You can't have a blog without at least one city government post.

So with that being said, let the proverbial creative juices flow.