Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What Do You Mean You Couldn't Spend The Money????

Today has been yet another sad day in city government in Detroit. A $9.2 million dollar home weatherization grant has reverted back to the state because the leaders of Detroit did not spend the money in time. Approximately 5,000 families could have been helped with this federally funded grant.
“Also losing out were hundreds of unemployed Detroiters who had hoped to land jobs fixing windows, installing furnaces and repairing roofs as part of the federal weatherization program funded by economic stimulus money.
I have been screaming all day about the incompetence and ineptness of our city leaders. Mayor Bing and his administration should be brought up on criminal charges for neglect of duty. Where is Kim Worthy when you really need her? It amazes me that the citizens of Detroit sit back and take this slap in the face from our elected and appointed leaders.  I find it astonishing that those entrusted with the task of helping the city’s poorest and most vulnerable citizens could not figure out how to spend the money.  The money forfeited by Detroit goes back to the state general fund to be redistributed to communities that have already received funding from this grant.
The city has been mired in federal investigations regarding grant money. $7 million in federal funds intended for the Head Start program had to be returned from allegations of misuse. They were unable to spend a $210,000 grant designed to help clothe and feed the poor. Instead they bought furniture for their offices.  1,000 requests for help from poor and low income citizens have been denied by the Department of Human Services. The city was originally awarded $33 million in federal stimulus money.
 So now the Michigan Community Action Agency Association, will sprint to distribute the money to as many homeowners as possible, MCAAA Director Jim Crisp said Monday. Once again showing the ineptness of city government to do its’ job.
Ursula Holland the director of Human Services Department has refused comment. I’ll bet she did.  What kind of asinine answer would she give the media for her inability to run her department.  A person charged with helping the poor does absolutely nothing for them. Fire them all. Let’s start over. How much worse could we actually do???


  1. I cannot argue with one thing you said...This really hurts. I have no other words. Just sitting here literally shaking my head.

  2. Amen!! You are right on point AGAIN!! As a city worker, I get an inside look at the incompetence, unprofessionalism and corruptness daily. From the top to the bottom. I am infuriated about the funding situation. Absolutely infuriated! And I agree, there needs to be a sweep of each and every city department from top to bottom. Someone of a higher authority needs to come is and monitor what goes on and start kicking people out on their rumps. I would even suggest hiring people posing as citizens to critique customer service. When I was a bank teller, there was an incentive program that they used to see if tellers were providing good customer service. Unknown bank employees came in posed as regular customers and we were rated. Were we smiling, friendly, informative? Did we use the customer's name? I am certain that if something like that were incorporated within the City of Detroit departments, at least 75% would fail off rip!! I experience it myself as an employee requesting information from other employees!! Just SAD!!!
